Marking codes type number marking code1 bc817 6d bc81716 6a bc81725 6b bc81740 6c bc817w 6d bc81716w 6a bc81725w 6b bc81740w 6c bc337 c337 bc337 16 c33716 bc337 25 c33725 bc337 40 c33740. Bc337 figure 1n4001 bc337 bu323ap bu323p silicon diode 1n4001 specifications transistor bc337 transistor darlington npn text. Bc337 bc338 npn epitaxial silicon transistor mouser electronics. Applications datasheet search, datasheets, datasheet search site for electronic components and semiconductors, integrated circuits, diodes and other semiconductors.
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Free devices maximum ratings rating symbol value unit collector. Bc546b, bc547a, b, c, bc548b, c amplifier transistors npn silicon features pb. Absolute maximum ratings123 supply voltage lm1558 22v lm1458 18v power dissipation 4 lm1558hlm1458h 500 mw. To identify a particular smd device, first identify the package style and note the. Smd general purpose transistor npn smd general purpose transistor npn features npn silicon epitaxial planar transistor for switching and amplifier applications rohs compliance mechanical data case. Ordering information note 4 device packaging shipping. Unit dc current gain at vce 1 v, ic 100 ma current gain group 162540 at vce 1 v, ic 300 ma current gain group 162540 hfe hfe hfe hfe hfe hfe 100 160 250 60 100 170 160 250 400 200 320 250 400 630 collectoremitter cutoff current at vce 45 v bc337 at vce. Bc337 datasheet pdf 50v, 800ma, to92 npn transistor. Pv smd transistor datasheet, cross reference, circuit and application notes in pdf. Bc846 series 65 v, 100 ma npn generalpurpose transistors.
Tsm03wid scr p00bl q3 irll0bss3 q bc87 npn bc337 smd sot3 d bav70 smd sot3 n448 d3 bzx84c5 5 v 300 mw smd sot3 d4 bzx84c4 4 v 300 mw smd sot, 300k 0. Motorola, alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for electronic components and. This jedec device number series is available in the do41 axial package, and similar diodes are. Isiso 9002 continental device india limited datasheet catalog. Bc337 datasheet pdf npn amplifier transistors on semi. Bc337, bc337 datasheet, bc337 npn general purpose transistor datasheet, buy bc337 transistor. Datasheet identification product status definition advance information formative or in design this datasheet contains the design specifications for product development. Bc337 transistors datasheet pdf generalpurpose transistors. Bc337 datasheet, equivalent, cross reference search. Vce 45 v, vbe 0 bc337 vce 25 v, vbe 0 bc338 ices 100 100 nadc emitter cutoff current veb 4. Bc33725 datasheet, equivalent, cross reference search. Plastic silicon rectifiervoltage 50 to volts current 1. Preliminary first production this datasheet contains preliminary data, and supplementary data will be published at a.
Continental device india limited data sheet page 4 of 4. Bc337 bc338 ices 2 na 2 na 100 na 100 na vce 45 v vce 25 v tj 125c be short bc337 bc338 ices 10 a 10 a gainbandwidth product transitfrequenz vce 5 v, ic 10 ma, f 50 mhz ft 100 mhz collectorbase capacitance kollektorbasiskapazitat vcb 10 v, ie ie 0, f 1 mhz ccbo 12 pf. Bc337 d bc337, bc337 25, bc337 40 amplifier transistors npn silicon features these are pb. Continental device india limited c120 naraina industrial area, new delhi 110 028, india. Bc337d bc337, bc33725, bc33740 amplifier transistors npn silicon features these are pb. Bc337 datasheetlibre, bc337 datasheet, bc337 datasheet, bc337 pdf, bc337. Quick reference data bc846 series 65 v, 100 ma npn generalpurpose transistors rev. Bc546b, bc547a, b, c, bc548b, c amplifier transistors. Nov 05, 2018 bc337 datasheet pdf 50v, 800ma, to92 npn transistor fairchild, bc337 datasheet, bc337 pdf, bc337 pinout, bc337 equivalent, bc337 data, bc337 circuit. The 1n400x or 1n4001 or 1n4000 series is a family of popular 1 a generalpurpose silicon rectifier diodes commonly used in ac adapters for common household appliances. Transistor smd t1p baw92 mmbd2104 schottky diode s6 81a smd transistor a6a a4s smd transistor transistor smd p2f transistor smd a7s mmbd2101 text. Parameter symbol 1n4001 1n4002 1n4003 1n4004 1n4005 1n4006 1n4007 unit peak repetitive reverse voltage vrrm working peak reverse voltage vrmwm dc blocking voltage vr rms reverse voltage vr.
Symbol 1n4001 1n4002 1n4003 1n4004 1n4005 1n4006 1n4007 unit. Specifications may change in any manner without notice. Free packages are available maximum ratings rating symbol value unit collector emitter voltage bc546 bc547 bc548 vceo 65 45 30 vdc collector base voltage bc546 bc547 bc548 vcbo 80 50 30 vdc emitter base voltage vebo 6. Semtech corporation, bc337, npn silicon epitaxial planar transistor for. Bc337 datasheet, bc337 pdf, bc337 data sheet, bc337 manual, bc337 pdf, bc337, datenblatt, electronics bc337, alldatasheet, free, datasheet, datasheets, data sheet. Amplifier transistors bc337, bc33716, bc33725, bc337.
On semiconductort bu323ap npn silicon darlington power transistor darlington npn silicon power transistor 400 volts 125 watts the bu323ap is a. Generalpurpose transistors smd plastic packages two different gain selections 1. Its blocking voltage varies from 50 volts 1n4001 to volts 1n4007. Bc337 2 sc43a plastic singleended leaded through hole package. Amplifier transistor, bc337 datasheet, bc337 circuit, bc337 data sheet. The 1n34a is a point contact diode in a do7 type package employing n. Bc337 datasheet, bc337 pdf, bc337 data sheet, datasheet, data sheet, pdf. Oct 28, 2015 bc337 datasheet pdf npn amplifier transistors bc337 on semiconductor, bc337 datasheet, bc337 pdf, bc337 pinout, equivalent, bc337 data, bc337 circuit. Bc337xbk bc338xbk bc337xbk bc338xbk general purpose siepitaxial planar transistors npn npn siepitaxial planartransistoren fur universellen einsatz version 20100527 0. Bc337, bc337 npn general purpose transistor, buy bc337 transistor.
1658 1003 409 1367 421 1021 520 328 1077 273 136 339 1307 444 95 784 1331 1553 1320 1125 302 1339 376 1403 610 628 749 553 1191 168 605 521 1261 1529 365 533 748 1165 246 279 1234 1405 37 698 806 1239 974 889 614 969 1096